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Learning to Let Go as a High Achiever with Guest Kolette Hall {Episode 47}

business emotions mindset motherhood Apr 04, 2024

Today's guest has an incredible story and shares hope, inspiration and some amazing coaching tools. Kolette Hall is a life coach and widowed single mom who helps other high achieving men and women understand how to let go and be at peace with the things we can't (and don't want to) control.

Kolette has a Master’s Degree in Education and spent 5 years teaching before starting her own business in the craft industry. Her husband, Jason, was a quadriplegic in a wheelchair who spent many months in the hospital and needed extra care.

In 2019, Jason passed away and Kolette became a widow and single mom to her teenage son, Coleman. She wrote a book about her experiences and decided to become a coach because she believes in the growth of successful people. When a high-achieving person up-levels their mindset, the impact is exponential. Kolette wants more of that happening in the world.

Learn more about Kolette on her website or on her Instagram.


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